1. What is numismatics?
Numismatics is the study and collection of coins, tokens, and paper money. It explores the history, art, and cultural significance of currency. Enthusiasts, known as numismatists, analyze designs and historical context to understand the stories and societies behind these monetary items.
2. What is KLINF?
KLINF, also known as the Kuala Lumpur International Numismatic Fair, is a beacon of numismatic splendor since its inaugural edition in 2017, initially recognized as the Trigo Kuala Lumpur International Money Show. Since then, it has evolved into a cherished gathering, captivating enthusiasts and collectors alike with its celebration of a captivating tapestry of history and numismatic beauty for enthusiasts worldwide.
3. When and where is the 14th KLINF taking place?
The 14th KLINF is happening on the 15th – 17th October 2024 (Saturday - Monday) at Berjaya Times Square Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Level 14 Manhattan Ballroom from 10:00AM – 6:00PM.
4. Is there an admission fee?
Admission is free and open to the public.
5. What can I expect to see at the exhibition?
The exhibitors of the KLINF include dealers, grading companies and auction houses. There will be a wide range of coins, banknotes, stamps, watches and other collectibles at the fair. Appraisal service is available at the event where attendees can bring their collections for evaluation by experts.
6. Can I take photographs during the exhibition?
Seek permission from exhibitors if you plan to photograph specific exhibits or products. Be mindful of using flash. Respect the privacy of other attendees. If someone expresses discomfort with being photographed, be considerate and refrain from taking their picture.
7. Can I bring food and drinks into the exhibition?
Yes, but we highly recommend that you consume food and drinks outside of the exhibition hall. If you must bring them in, please exercise extreme caution to avoid any spills or drops on products or exhibits. Any damage caused by food or drink spills will be the responsibility of the individual who brought them in.
8. Can I purchase numismatic items at the exhibition?
Yes. Come prepared with sufficient funds for potential purchases. When you find numismatic items that you're interested in, take the time to inspect them carefully. Bear in mind that the organizer will not be responsible or be involved in any commercial and legal disputes arising between sellers and buyers.
9. How can I contact the event organizer?
For any inquiries, you may reach the event organizer at +6012 533 8038 or send an email to events@trigo.co
(Updated on 5/11/2024)